銷售資訊 彰化縣社頭鄉農會 511彰化縣社頭鄉社頭村社斗路一段360號
NT.150 |
規格:長8cm x寬2.5cm x 高4.5cm |
果核再利用 核顏悅色手工皂
社頭鄉位於彰化縣以南八卦山脈下,為一典型農業鄉鎮,產業以芭樂、龍眼居多,在產期時多以鮮果銷售,而為增加龍眼保存期限,農友以古法烘焙製成龍眼乾作為延展保存期限方法。 行政院農業委員會臺中區改良場有研究報告指出,龍眼核萃取物能幫助傷口癒合,為增加龍眼的附加價值,農會將丟棄的龍眼核磨成粉狀,製作成手工皂,藉以發展在地特色,再創地方產業的第二春。
社頭鄉位於彰化縣以南八卦山脈下,為一典型農業鄉鎮,產業以芭樂、龍眼居多,在產期時多以鮮果銷售,而為增加龍眼保存期限,農友以古法烘焙製成龍眼乾作為延展保存期限方法。 行政院農業委員會臺中區改良場有研究報告指出,龍眼核萃取物能幫助傷口癒合,為增加龍眼的附加價值,農會將丟棄的龍眼核磨成粉狀,製作成手工皂,藉以發展在地特色,再創地方產業的第二春。
New Possibilities for the Pits: Handmade Longan So
Shetou Township is located at the foot of Mt. Bagua, south of Changhua City. The township is known for its agricultural production, especially for its guavas and longans. Farmers mainly sell fresh produce during the harvest season, but during other times of the year, they preserve the longans through traditional drying techniques. According to research done at the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan's Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station , extracts from the longan pit can improve wound healing. To give added value to longan production, the Shetou Farmers' Association has created Handmade Longan Soaps that use ground longan pits. Their efforts have turned the once valueless agricultural waste into a unique product with distinct local flavor.
Shetou Township is located at the foot of Mt. Bagua, south of Changhua City. The township is known for its agricultural production, especially for its guavas and longans. Farmers mainly sell fresh produce during the harvest season, but during other times of the year, they preserve the longans through traditional drying techniques. According to research done at the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan's Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station , extracts from the longan pit can improve wound healing. To give added value to longan production, the Shetou Farmers' Association has created Handmade Longan Soaps that use ground longan pits. Their efforts have turned the once valueless agricultural waste into a unique product with distinct local flavor.
果実の種の再利用 手作り石鹸は笑顔の種
社頭鄉は彰化県の南、八卦山脈にある典型的な農村です。産業の中心はグアバとリュウガン。旬の時期には果物として販売します。また、保存期間を延ばすため、伝統の乾燥法によりリュウガンを乾燥させます。 行政院農業委員会の臺中区改良場の研究によると、リュウガンの種の抽出物は傷が治るのを助けます。リュウガンの付加価値を高めるため、農協は廃棄される種を粉砕して石鹸を製造。地元の魅力を打ち出し。地方産業の再興につなげました。
社頭鄉は彰化県の南、八卦山脈にある典型的な農村です。産業の中心はグアバとリュウガン。旬の時期には果物として販売します。また、保存期間を延ばすため、伝統の乾燥法によりリュウガンを乾燥させます。 行政院農業委員会の臺中区改良場の研究によると、リュウガンの種の抽出物は傷が治るのを助けます。リュウガンの付加価値を高めるため、農協は廃棄される種を粉砕して石鹸を製造。地元の魅力を打ち出し。地方産業の再興につなげました。